Can The Micro System’s Internal Hard Drive Be Changed?

No. The Micro systems with the record feature utilize a built-in, non-changeable internal hard drive. We do this to maintain the waterproof integrity of the system. To achieve the Micro Plus units IP67 water proof rating, we would not be able to offer a card slot for SD style memory […]

Is Using Aqua-Vu Cameras Legal?

To our knowledge there are no restrictions that regulate the use of Aqua-Vu underwater viewing Systems. AquaVu is an approved pre-fishing tool in B.A.S.S. and for other tournament trails across the country.

Can Aqua-Vu Cameras Be Used In Saltwater?

Yes. All Aqua-Vu cameras are saltwater-rated, constructed with stainless steel hardware and materials that are resistant to corrosion. We STRONGLY recommend rinsing salt water off camera using clean water and a soft cloth after every use.

Trolling With Aqua-Vu Cameras

Please check out our new for 2017, XD camera housing technology and “Live Strike” trolling system for greater trolling capabilities. For older systems, trolling effectively depends on depth and also on the length of cable you have out which determines water resistance or “drag.” The deeper you go, with more cable […]

When To Use Underwater Camera Lights?

The Aqua-Vu lights in your Aqua-Vu camera are designed for use in low-light conditions. Some anglers only use the camera lights at night while other anglers find them to be effective in lower visibility water conditions. Experiment while angling as the lights do not seem to spook most game fish.

How Far Can Underwater Cameras See?

Naturally, the clearer the water, the farther you can see. As a general rule, in water the camera can see twice as far as the human eye — meaning that if you can see 3 feet down you will be able to see approximately 6 feet in front of the camera. But this is […]